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“So? What About Us?”

Sumber: Claudio Schwars di Unsplash
Sumber: Claudio Schwars di Unsplash

Penulis: Ade Nova Puspita Sari

“So? What about us?”  Sienna asking this question surely with trembling, she couldn’t handle it anymore.

Michael look at Sienna quitely, wanted to say a few words but his mouth couldn’t even let him.

He afraid that any words that come out from his became fatal for both of them.

(Flight Number GA-908 leaving for Palembang, please board the aircraft immediately through gate 9, Thank You)

The airport announcement break the silence between them.

“I cannot give you the answer now, Na.”

That words finally came out, Sienna couldn’t hold her tears after listening that.

“Why? Am I not worthy enough for you?”

“It’s not about that, Na.”

“Na” is Michael’s favorite nicknames for Sienna

“We both know that we handling too much thing, We both know this is too complicated.”  said Michael

“Michael, I could handle it, I could fight for it, there’s only one question left, do you want to fight for us or not?”

“Na, there’s no reason why i couldn’t fight for you Na, for us.”

Sienna trembled again.

She feel hopeless.

“Then why you leave me hanging, Michael?”

“After everything we’ve been through, all the sweet promises, and plan about future, and that’s it? you didn’t want to take a risk?” Sienna asked

Michael went silent.

Sienna and Michael are couple with different background. No, we’re not talking about the rich or poor here, we’re talking about religion.

At first, Michael convinced Sienna that he could handle all of the possibility of what will happen in the future. Sienna didn’t sure with him. Not because Sienna didn’t love him, it because Sienna scared about how she going to facing Michael’s family.

But, after all the effort that Michael’s do to Sienna back then, Sienna slowly but sure convinced with Michael.

Years by years, Sienna unsure about what Michael’s plan about them.

And today, She’s leaving to Jakarta, back to her hometown after visiting Michael at Surabaya. Because the time that she has is limited, Sienna finally ask the question that she hides all this time. Sienna shocked with Michael’s answer.

This is not what Sienna wants.

“That’s it? you need more time for you figuring what you’re going to do for us? Year by years we have going through and that’s it?” Sienna ask angrily this time.

Michael’s already knew this is going to happen.

“Na, give me one more year to figuring out about us.”

“One year, Michael? One year? But what if you didn’t know what to do next year? What if you still clueless about us?”

He’s trembling, trying to hold his tears.

He love Sienna deeply, but he scared about his family reaction if his family knew he have a girlfriend with different religion.

He went silent. He didn’t know what to do this time.

“Looking you clueless like this Mike, I couldn’t continue this relationship anymore with you.”

“Sienna, please, don’t act like this”

“Oh so now you’re begging?” Sienna ask sarcastically.

“That’s it. I see this as the end of our relationship, I’m leaving.”

Sienna decided to leave Michael’s alone at that restaurant, Sienna running going to her gate and never look back at Michael’s.

He only look at her when she left. He couldn’t chase her, he really wanted it, but he froze. He knows that Sienna deserved happiness more than he could gave.

Sienna finally sit at her seat. The airplane going to takeoff, she couldn’t hold her tears anymore. She’s crying quitely, all the confusion, the sadness, all the thing that she’s been hiding finally came out.

Sienna still wondering, did she do something wrong?Why Michael was treating her like this? When he’s the one who convinced her and suddenly he’s running back?

That flight was 2 hours, but it feels like forever. The flight was so long that Sienna crying all along the flight. All the good memories with Michael suddenly replayed at her mind.

She’s crying, quitely.

Michael’s still sat at that restaurant, it’s been 3 hours since Sienna left him at that place. He sat with blank stare, he didn’t prepared for this moment. He regret that he’s not chasing Sierra at all.

He’s too confused.

“If only i brave enough to take a risk, Na. We both will not facing this kind of pain. Sorry, Na.”  He spoke quitely.

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